The Good Becomes a Bit Ugly

Bloggerhea Star Date 24 : 9 : 2019

I overslept big time this morning. In a panic I rushed to switch on main stream media news. “Homosexual this, Homosexual that, homosexual wipes, Lesbian this, Lesbian that, Lesbian IVF and Greta! Oh and more Greta and then the Oscars.. Oh no sorry, that was still Greta!

Thank God for that… I thought I’d missed something.. Phew!!!!

‘If a women says: ‘Smell this’. It is generally pleasant.
If a man says it – it is generally not!

Oblivious to their own ideology and carefully manipulated actions, dark forces controlling the so-called ‘other half’, often referred to as the ‘left’, have rendered wholly ineffective all that was acceptable about democracy.
Who doesn’t believe that humans must take care of the planet? At a wild guess, my personal attesting would put it that out of 7.5 billion inhabitants, 6.4 billion don’t have a clue and WTF you are talking about, let alone give a monkey’s banana about saving the planet, by not sh*tting in the street, slaughtering animals by the billion daily or burning whatever they can get their hands on.

The thing is…………. Who reads this anyway? Who actually listens to that bizarre young manufactured Swede? It is pretty arbitrary to suggest that the more developed a nation is, the more pollutants it produces. Not at all sure about Global Warming either, as a direct result of man’s (oops.. people’s) pig ignorance and lack of empathy for the planet. For sure, there must be considerable detriment and this old blue cannot sustain the abuse for ever, whether you believe it in or not.

The great Biased BBC World Service – Bless… just interviewed a Professor Doctor regarding the polar ice melting. (Ice caps or just polar ice?). The announcer slipped in Greenland as well. Deliberate or simple indoctrination, who knows? The Prof. came across as a knowledgeable, amicable, balanced gent as he spoke of sea levels rising. Or….. landmass sinking? Not too much study regarding the latter is there and, if sea level fluctuates, or indeed land height, then what is your reference?
Although perceived as factual without the bile and hype the snowflakes and luvvies are prone to exhibit, when asked what advice he would give dissenters, our Prof. responded with; ‘Well read this report…………”. A somewhat innocently narrow minded and not a particularly savvy media thing to say, since it is the report, the contents of which, many deny.

Before the great minority Twatteratti troll their bile, lissssun up! Either careful specific wording spread by the cult in secret – or genuinely missing a very important point or two; exactly what ice is melting? If it is coastal land based ice of which is in vast quantities the size of say France or bigger, then worry dear folk; worry a lot. Until it freezes over again – and it will. But if we are talking about floating ice, then the story is very different according to basic physics, unless dear Archimedes, Einstein and Isaac were way off.

The Antarctica is largely a land mass, but the Arctic is floating ice. A giant factor that climate change activists and deluded repeaters fail to highlight. Antarctica has rarely if ever been an issue as far as melting ice is concerned, other than on the Western Side where some very small fluctuations have been monitored by NASA. By and large, Antarctica is fairly stable and if anything, getting colder, so poo poo to sea levels rising as a result.

Without nuclear reaction, localized energy is finite and even then, we are pulling on the universe as we know it, assuming the universe is 100% of all energy.

Fed up yet? Yeah, so are non-political level headed scientists. The absolute BS and wholly fake news being spouted by activism for political gain and gross ego. It is just evil pollution in itself. The reality is so far from this pseudo fashionable activism.

Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, your mother or father, your teacher or lover nor I made this up. A ship will displace its own weight in water. FACT!!! Let’s come back to what comes out its funnel in a minute. Take a bath with Rosie O’Donnell and your bath water level will go up (rather a lot) by the weight of Rosie, plus you or how much of your bodies are unsupported by the physical sides. (Difficult to prove because most houses don’t have a big enough bath, but take Archimedes’ word for it). Likewise a floating Iceberg will displace its own weight in water and it will appear that sea levels rise accordingly as finite as that might be. But if we could somehow removed all floating icebergs into space or something, only then will the water level go down. If the iceberg melts, the water level will stay the same. So, a floating iceberg can melt as many times as it likes, but sea levels will not change. Geggyboy’s law: In theory then, no floating icebergs on earth, low water level. Sadly it doesn’t work like that does it, but it is not really a lot to do with icebergs, unless you were on the Titanic. Should Antarctica melt one day, then it would be the last of our worries, because whatever caused that would no doubt wipe us all out before we could reach for the snorkels.

Let’s get into the ‘green house’ gasses which the Professor also mentioned and here is where we need to worry. Although we don’t often hear the words ‘Green House’ any more do we? We’ve all been nobbled long ago and everything is twisted and turned into whitewash to drown and blind us. The sad part is the sheer number of people who fall for and blinkered go along with all this bollocks.

If more H2O is produced on earth in the form of rain (one assumes) by climate change or whatever, i.e. through pollution, chemical poisoning and so on, then sea levels have to rise. Of course, because there is more water and it has to go somewhere. To make more water, we deplete something else as we cannot gain elements, we can only make derivatives. More clouds, less evaporation. Ask Bangladesh! Now if we poke a great big hole in the Ozone layer and the sun comes belting through and all the water gets evaporated, where the hell does it go? It appears to disappear, but it cannot disappear, it is up there somewhere, but perhaps in a lesser form. A bit more H and less O, mixed with a bit of Carbon and we have CO2. Yum Yum said the tree! Take away the 2 and we have a very nasty poison which is being spewed out of every single combustion engine on this earth, including jets which emit a good few more pollutants 6 miles high where there is not much air to mix with it. ‘Formaldehyde’ is one emission, as does every living thing chuck the stuff out, yet just the thought is enough to scare the pants off you with visions of embalming. Formaldehyde is pretty harmless in its life span, but go for it Al, or Greta It is a riveting name so lots of milleage. The other chemicals thrown into the atmosphere from industrialization is a huge worry, because half the time, we don’t know or don’t check what is being churned up. Of course, money talks and much can very easily be suppressed, so back to the 6.4 billion who couldn’t care less. Start addressing that with your tears. Somehow me thinks you wont be doing that in a hurry because it would…er…. hurtful and ‘Politically Incorrect’. The bottom line is that; not only money talks, but gross hypocrisy as well in this Twitter Snowflake blizzard world.

So let’s go electric, problem solved. No emissions. OH wait! How do we make electricity in such volumes? Ok Greta, you win! We all take a leaf out of your Christmas story and live in igloos. Hang on though! We need ice to build igloos and we cannot get ice until the earth atmosphere blocks out the sun and we ice over. Dilemma beyond! Those dinosaurs didn’t have central heating and that might have been because activists 4 million years ago didn’t want them burning coal.

So something has to give. All this rhetoric is just that! Shouting and being rude to who you don’t like politically will change absolutely nothing, because the 6.4 billion folk mentioned earlier have never heard of you, WILL never hear of you before you as a fad disappears. Furthermore they don’t understand what you are talking about. Kim Kardashean gets millions more viewers.

As this media and Fabian indoctrination has severely crippled Europe and the US, with no let up, the big issue is culture. Until the human psyche has adopted the notion of preservation and industrial cleanliness from birth, with schooling ideology as natural as nature itself, then yer Greta’s and Gores are just Hollywood. With stifled third world encroachment and population overload, without the basic education to invent or discover new technology such as ways to fly without leaving an ocean of pollution, or ‘Fusion’ to save us all, then we are on a hiding to nothing and all this Hollywood bollocks is just that. Even if we come up with fusion tomorrow, the same activism will find something to dominate the corrupt media with and pound and hound decent people who want to do something and need ideas and inventions, not steaming piles of bile air because the flock needs a hero so frequently creates one.

We don’t even remotely do enough and continuously create more toxic elements, inadvertently or indeed otherwise. It is a never ending task to make inhabitants environmentally aware, but stop demonizing developed nations with warped hate for individuals who are mere amoeba in the cycle of pollution and destruction. This is not the only audience. Hard core attacking the so far developed world with the ‘How dare you’ garbage. Nations that clean their streets, dispose of waste, attempt in parts to stem pollution. Endless activism, tainted left wing ideology, condoning and championing the third world with oooooz and Aghhhh and sympathy for stifled cultures who junk their own countries while supposedly seeking nothing more than a better life elsewhere in our own so-called polluted countries. Yawn!!!! This activism is severely missing the point and that is blatantly obvious should one visit so many other parts of world and see what pollution and filth is on display.


Heard at No.10 Downing Street the morning after the bad hair day Referendum:
Knock knock!
‘Who’s there’?
‘To.. ‘
‘To who’?
‘No, to whom! But you can call me Boris!
‘How very dare you? Ok Boris get lost and hurry before (Sir- no choice now) Nigel Farage comes knocking!
Astounding as the result was with so much unchecked pro bias across all media and hierarchy, those who see through the haze of ‘yuckspeak’ spewed forth by the Fabian clans, had resigned themselves to a ‘fixed’ result. Now the colour blind chameleon skins are working overtime to somehow keep a grip on their well-established Stockholm Syndrome across Europe (as alluded to previously in this column). ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ is actually the Euro-Fabian written manifesto. Read it! The first few chapters are horrendous, but you love it in the end.
The REMAIN voters were fortunate enough to score what they did and can thank Euro 2016 and the Russian supporters for that. With England being so inept and not actually able to play anything that resembles football these days, sending the same infirmed Fabian selection they’ve had for the last millennium was an embarrassment anyway. Bobby More making a comeback; six feet to go. Exactly how many more OUT votes would that have been had the BREXIT fans not still been in France breaking the place up and bravado fantasising that they can make mincemeat of the ogre-us Russians in revenge? Of course, knowing full well the pathetic nature of English football hooligans, the Rooskies who have a sporting pastime of urban fist fighting in swarms had sent an assault army of mutant beefcakes blowing intimidating gay kisses as a poofy Euro-gesture at the well-seasoned drunken English yobs before deliberately pasting them. Astoundingly but in typical Euro PC conditioned style, the British media then made heroes of the English Yobs as if so sweetly innocent. On the morning of the E.U. OUT result being declared, Jeremy Corbin (Labour Leader… well…still!) hogged the BBC cameras squirming – and at last made reference to immigration, something that has been politically suppressed with black hole gravity until now. In defence of mass immigration – no, no, no, call it deluded justification, Corbin bleats that millions of Brits were in Europe at that moment. Um…. doing what exactly Jeremy – throwing chairs and paving stones at anyone nearby?
How come Australian didn’t have a referendum to leave the EU? As stated last month, they had an entry in the Eurovision Song contest, so what went wrong? Is Scotland still there? During Donald Trump’s visit to his Golf Course on which he has spent the Gross National Product of a South American country, the bonny lads and lassies were asking him to save a few bricks from his proposed Mexican wall and send them over as they indeed have their own rebuilding to do. What a conundrum for them; or is it? Scotland by and large wants to be Scottish it seems and always has, which means not being ruled by London or anyone in Europe, so where is this ‘contradiction in terms’ going now? Their current leader is obviously on some very toxic haggis bi-product with not only delusional properties by highly hallucinogenic too.

‘Je Suis IN’ was bandied about rather a lot. T-shirts with; ‘I AM IN’ blazoned across them filling the streets of London. The Brexit crowd running around with magic markers trying to scribble the words ‘The Sh*t’ under it. The jokes were actually played out in reality with people desperately squeezing into a crowded underground train as the doors shut, squashed but in relieved anguish gasp: ‘It’s ok I’m in’! Instantly 300 other passengers except one shouts; ‘I’m in too’! There are umpteen reports of close-knit family break ups due to opposing views within! Husbands and wives denying conjugal rights because hubby romantically exclaims; ‘I’m in’ and she vehemently opposing a Brexit has a momentary fit.
Long before the results, the BBC reported that the higher than normal turnout was due to huge numbers of council estates unusually voting. Talking heads even had the condescending gall to suggest that this element mostly voted IN. If fact, then it was probably because they feared not being able to play the EURO LOTTERY if Britain opted out.
As for Scotland, Just do the vote on Twitter. What an inane stream of ego-mad drivel that is and they all think they are funny and contributing to some imaginary intellectual’s club and influencing the world at large. Laughing at their own pathetically unfunny non-jokes. With Denmark, Holland and maybe Austria up next, possibly the only funny referendum joke on Twitter and hilarious it was, was the banner tweet from Beirut which read; ‘Can Lebanon have a referendum to leave the Middle East’?