Geg Hopkins awarded Journalism recognition

October 2019: Geggyboy very recently received an award from His Royal Nibs. It was a Bahrain based award, not a Nobel Prize, but judging by the response, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was the latter.
Was I ecstatic? As a mere subject, the privilege of being up there and greeted by H,R,H. is always a belter of a thrill because it doesn’t happen very often at all! In the old days of a few hundred thousand population we got to see the Rulers a little more often and security was not an issue. But with a few million packed in now and world seemingly so much more upside down, these occasions are becoming very rare. Another nicety is that the PM will often have a personal little word to some of us by name (like his late brother and Amir; Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, they have uncanny memories and recall faces and names better than elephants). That personal touch makes me feel a bit special for being recognized, because I being far from Mr. Pushy, don’t expect it or even think about it, but I do know he knows me well and was a ‘fan’ so to speak from my heydays of radio.
I assume this award reflects some of those rather open and fun days before my tenancy was cut short by insidious intimidation from those not able to compete at my level, so ganged up and lowered the standard to the lowest common denominator to feed their deluded ego. (I went to TV afterwards, which unfortunately so few watch). This is what we have now with Broadcast Media in Bahrain at such an incredibly low ebb compared to the incredible openness, content full and fun days of the 80s and early 90s, that it was. Nowadays, it is inanity, twitter fed and absolute incompetently zero with an entire generation who know no different and actually believe it to be good still, having absolutely no inkling as to what entertaining radio should sound like. This is also happening all over the world as Political Correctness dominates and humour fades or becomes illegal and blandness prevails like a blanket of thick haze. Like banning something, it all goes underground and Social Media has provided that platform.
Radio was/is my passion though and I know many think it was the hierarchy who removed me, because of my antics and humour, but trust me, far far far from it… They were totally unaware, thinking it was me who resigned. If there is a God – retribution will surely prevail, for it was vicious! Though one man will be waiting for them upstairs, ready to dish out the divine punishment they um…er… gravely deserve. Mr. Ahmed Suleiman (father of Hala Ahmed Sulaiman) built Radio Bahrain to its earlier terrific standard, a standard which among us was wrongly diagnosed as amateur at the time, so striving for better content always, we were highly critical of ourselves. It was in fact world class, give or take the odd scruple. Oh, I made some crawl under a rock beauties, but we were aware. Today, it is the blinkered blind leading the blind with no perception of how amateur they come across having no qualified guidance to relate to. Ahmed loved my style from the start and ignored immense pressure to err to safety and blandness. For sure, he will never forgive those who manipulated and endlessly fought him to have me removed and indeed himself from time to time. He well knew the implications and future demise of the platform if he allowed the dirge to overpower him. Since his (forced) retirement and subsequent death (bless) many years ago now, mediocrity has all but destroyed his legacy, but he will always be remembered with great fondness.
But broadcast, be it right up to lunch time of the day of my demise, I guess I will be still at it. TV, Radio and now Social Media or whatever, is where I am and it is too late to change (unless someone offers a fat, no refusal salary vocation change, then I will empty bins, or sweep the streets – if my legs hold out, no worries).
Am I aware of how many follow my dribbles or mini reports or even the documentaries I do. Nah! I assume some incidental notice, here and there, but there is absolutely no delusion of this pseudo pap glitterati and new-fangled word; ‘Influencer’, some of which receive millions for just pointing at a lipstick in a selfie video shot whatever. It is all pish to me and iPhone level media.
Award? One perceives the so-called ‘broadcast standard’ or one doesn’t, it is art. I just love and at the same time hate what I do because of the time it takes to reach what I feel satisfied with. So to get a general award like this, along with the others, who also very much deserve recognition, albeit a very different avenue and style… Yep! It is bang on! I’ve got it and they are NOT having it back!
But did I realize the impact of it? NO! Not at all. I was oblivious until now. If you look at our Social Media accounts, they have gone slightly bananas. Just our Facebook channel has lit up. Instagram likes are growing by the second. THANK YOU ALL!! THANK YOU – THANK YOU, we have read every single message and like!
Also a personal huge spot light up for Ahdiya Ahmed who is now leading the Bahrain Journalists Association and bringing them to the fore big time, where this has never really happened before. Ahdiya has always supported me (and others who might be lesser known) and often under some severe criticism and obstruction has had the biggest balls to ignore it and give me almost free reign at TV. With integrity, one must not knowingly break that trust. Of course it is par for the course to rattle someone’s cage in this business.
Many people; names I don’t actually know, all the way up to Royalty, who have gone out of their way to congratulate me, Numerous and incredibly personal congratulations have been received with the genuine warmth of ordinary citizens who may never come into diplomatic or royal circles. In this line of work we of course do by default as we make reports etc. for the Al Hilal Media group magazines and online channels and so on. Whatsapp messages have poured in, some telephoning me or indeed calling over at functions etc. along with others, then offering up congratulations. It is becoming astounding as to how the media surrounding this award has propagated.
Admittedly, I am a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to all this Social Media lingo – and although I might have a Twitter, Instagram et al account which I DON’T use, as I said before, it was NOT me that set them up but the IT wiz and (cough….Forbes Magazine featured photographer of Who Does What.TV,) namely Svetlana Prodanova who happens to be extremely proficient at it and she informed me today that we have gone a bit ‘viral’. I hope it doesn’t hurt. Wow!
Be worried – be very worried
UPDATE: Afternoon 29th May 2018. After demonstrations (unreported) and media pressure, the ban on reporting the arrest of Tommy Robinson was lifted. The notice was issued with a court explanation as to why he was arrested. As yet, there has been no lifting of the Blackout regarding the Paedophile/grooming/rape case for which Tommy Robinson was reporting.
The moment British justice backfires so badly. An ex policeman reveals; “March as much as you like, nobody will care and nothing will be done. Withdraw taxes, refuse to pay en masse and you’ll soon see results”. The 27th March 2018 might end up a milestone which will have far more significance as the days go on. Who knows how all this is going to pan out, but deep beneath the flower bed is a bubbling caldron which could so very easily end up with blood shed in a country that most imagine such carnage could never happen, but if it does, the repercussions would soil Europe. Then it would not be so attractive to the very essence of the issues right now. Some, but obviously not so many see through it though, whether divine or some other instinct, but clearly know what is going on even if those involved have no awareness that they have been nobbled as such and just bleat regurgitated pap.
A media shut down, a complete black out like has NEVER been seen before. Thousands and thousands of sites removing details and the search engines silent. Facebook, still running some but many gradually disappearing, as with Youtube. It is all about a man put in prison for thirteen months on the very same day he was arrested for what is basically a trumped-up misdemeanour which was carried out in good faith and as a duty to the nation in his eyes. Even harden criminals and murders get bail and trials which come up months and months later. GBH perpetrators who deliberately go out to stab and maim in brawls only get 6 months, often suspended sentences, something that is rife in Britain right now and the government is ignoring it and also covering it up as they did using the made up Russian fiasco. Oh no! 13 months, whipped off the street and incarcerated in minutes. This is bizarre. That part is true, but this might not be so accurate; an official (perhaps the judge) was reported to have replied when the concerned questioned the man’s safety in prison; ‘He made his bed’. Possibly fake news, but no smoke without fire. It might not be exactly what was said, but no doubt based on something on those lines and further exploited, none of it verified as yet.
Love guns or hate them, love Donald Trump or hate him, the American Constitution love or hate it, it is what it is and with it, traditional laws cannot be changed easily, but without it, laws can be changed or manipulated on a corrupt political, egotistical or sexual persuasive whim as they are in Britain, which overrides the very Magna Carta on which they are supposedly based. In fact, politics and media in Britain is so far down the road to ‘absolute power’ that ‘absolute corruption’ is blatantly evident by so many with the most innocent of faces. The immense rise of the detestable Keith Vaz for example when many were aware for so very long, but nothing was done. For God’s sake, he was perpetually elected initially, then given unelected favourable posts as so many do, despite all the rumours. He fell from grace as many will, dead or alive as the Jimmy Saville fiasco demonstrated. Working in the BBC in the very early 70s we all knew what he was like, but nobody thought for a moment that it was endemic within to extremely high positions. Nothing but lip service has been done about it as it is all covered up and no doubt perpetuates as the clique bury their faeces like cats. However, the nation is by and large blind and passive to it having been indoctrinated (dumbed) over the last 40 years, with its now followers very loud, full of bravado and sordid disdain for anyone who thinks otherwise and like true fodder ready to create mayhem believing themselves to be the majority and the status quo. A little message; take it or leave it; you could be very wrong for those who lead you are mere bravado cowards with an agenda and will not back you when the chips are down, they will run.
Is there any different between Tommy Robinson and that lizard now Dame Sharmishta Chakrabarti? ( Baroness for what? Eating her mates after copulating?). Now sitting in the House of Lords making or breaking laws. It is not rocket science and definitely fact; to many more than those who might dislike Tommy Robinson, she is loathed with a far far greater passion, but she is glorified and tolerated and nobody threatening violence on her or pushing or shoving her when she spews her hatred of the very people who have allowed her passage.
This blog is not really about the one called Tommy Robinson as such or Islamic infiltration. Hate him or love him too, or never heard of him. Think what you will of the man or the belief, for within the subject, he is only relative to the point being made and not the initial cause of it. Whatever you feel, Robinson has done you no wrong other than perhaps offend your own beliefs with his enormous gonads; something so few of us have. He just has an opinion which might differ from yours and more importantly has a strong passion to keep Britain’s traditional identity (well he already failed long ago on that one).
He has recently championed justice for the huge gangs of paedophiles who groom, rape and even abduct children when judges order blackouts of any pertaining news. Media outlets take it on themselves, not out of legal fears but on the basis of pure agenda which makes them culpable and condoning. Most likely infiltrators in high positions already, so nothing is going to escape anything detrimental to the deviance. Oh we really have no concept or notion of how big this network is and it doesn’t only involve Muslims, which is the blackout issue here.
So basically, the intention here is to highlight the anomalies within the actual laws and its makers of which Britain currently live under. As is, individuals severely risk being shut down and sent to prison instantly, simply and very primitively because the name ‘Tommy Robinson’ is mentioned when there is an absolute blackout order on reporting anything to do with him or the case. This in itself is incredibly bizarre – bizarre – bizarre, that one person, a judge can issue such a ruling which covers the entire country, every citizen within, it’s media and social networks extending to other subservient platforms in other countries. The story was reported on several sites before removal that; individuals messaging details to each other on the subject was equally illegal. The ruling stops short of allowing one to talk about it, but not transmit it. So we are all mad and just talk to ourselves. Google is deafening by its silence whereby the search engine pulls up absolutely nothing about the case which Robinson was covering. It is a very weird experience, like entering a Ghost town.
In total contrast to the delusion these degenerate officials have, Robinson’s desire to maintain some traditional British identity is absolutely no different in any Islamic country, as for sure they go to even more incredible extremes to maintain their traditions and beliefs. Ironically, the general consensus in the Middle East is that Britain and Europe are absolutely mental allowing such a ludicrous state of affairs. So odd really, for those who speak loudly and aggressively for the so called ‘minorities’ and whatevers have absolutely no idea or remote perception of what half the people they champion think themselves. Of course, the misconception that all Muslims are Arab is so far off the wall as to be laughable. The majority of the issues here are of Pakistani descent and this somehow creates a massive defence net where no one is allowed to mention it. A bit like Liverpudlian or indeed black comedians; they are hilarious making jokes about themselves, but if anyone else remotely takes the piss, all hell breaks loose.
To facilitate this scenario displays the total arrogance and misadventure of the Fabian ruling class Britain is under. Come to the Gulf region and learn some real hands-on insight. Many travel to the region to take up jobs or whatever, soaked in Political Correctness, instantly assuming that they are superior in their outlook and that the indigenous will follow their doctrine and incitement without question, arrogantly assuming that locals are afraid to speak out or critique. In some respects, they are, but as for Political Correctness, take a jump. These newbies praise their hosts and heap great affection on them as if they know them inside out. They become mini celebrities in a closed loop. It is pathetic to watch, but it happens regularly, until; suddenly they take a very hard fall when they realize that the locals are pretty hardy generally, somewhat naturally racist without knowing what that is and couldn’t give a flying fart about watching what they say to a fat person and so on. Locals will not be influenced in the slightest by your weird missionary like activity. However, in Britain and much of Europe it is like an induction camp in real life. No, not the immigrants, the indigenous have to appease and take on the cloak of the stifled cultures. That in itself is beyond ethereal.
The British PC infection which emanated from the USA but got very twisted on the way is simply taken full advantage of by the very people they arrogantly think they are molly codling. But that is by the by, for it gets so much uglier as the power grows and the masses are subdued.
Tommy Robinson has cleaned his act up to a phenomenal level compared to his early days on the scene which actually alienated many ordinary folk, no matter their concerns. Robinson doesn’t always come across as intelligent, mainly because of his accent and his assumed ‘traditional’ following which are a pretty raw bunch of true Brits if you like who are not your enemy. However, if you take the time to listen to his coverage, it is blatantly obvious that the man has a great deal of nous and can be quite succinct at times, as he highlights the very things that so many people actually think to themselves but will never dream of uttering publicly. The very thing that makes Donald Trump so popular yet hated with such incredible venom by the same clan we speak of here.
Stay as you are, no problem, but if you read this and have been party to the rhetoric in fashion thinking you are somewhat intellectual because you are regurgitating what the media and its cronies constantly bang out ad nauseam like wind up set-phrase dolls, then step back and look at yourself. You are being manipulated. You are indeed the ‘Useful Idiot’. If you like being that, you have every right to continue, but think about it and give others the openness and freedom to think as they wish as well and not go along with the doctrine. In other words, don’t make abstract laws to suit yourself, rather don’t make laws at all. Don’t create the animosity in the first place, which is what has been done incredibly successfully at that. Hitler rose to power the same way and the majority of people didn’t see it coming. Eventually, the 1984 syndrome will prevail and even those who now ostensibly are the subject of protection and love, will be exterminated because it is near impossible to remove a faith- just ask the Russians.
The idiosyncrasy of banners waving ‘Freedom of speech’ held high by swathes of Muslims in the UK only applies to what restrictions apply in mind captivity. To others it only applies to a doctrine which complies to a manifest, such as often taught in universities with so-called intellectual professors who lean heavily towards some sort of Fabian totalitarianism, deluded that this is intelligence fostering and the bringing about of an ‘equal society’ levelled at the Lowest Common Denominator’.
It is much the same across Europe, the deviance having been ingrained now in schools and university, with the nations pummelled into oblivious submission by extremely deviant media. Nice people by and large with solid morals to some extent but completely drugged into the oblivious by exceptionally devious and some must say ‘intellectual’ manipulation. Until those in power are challenged by the very fodder they control (and they will be one day), then they will do absolutely everything and anything to stay in that seat. Surely this reminds you of some other states and certainly history where communism is concerned. To call someone a Nazi in reference to the Reich for any even minute activity is just parrot political tactics heaped on the receptive and indeed susceptive, to garner adherence because it is simple rhetoric and easy for the masses to understand (or so they think). Yet, the likes of Stalin, Pol Pot and on and on who exterminated millions, are all tied to communism and somehow not Nazi. They are Fascists of course! Now that word is NEVER EVER to be uttered in relation to the Fabian/Marxist thinking, but they are indeed obsessed fascists to the extreme and the same fate will eventually be incurred to those who do not adhere once total power has totally corrupted.
Without revolution of some kind, a Donald Trump could simply not rise to power in the UK. It is just impossible under the current extremely corrupt system of governance at present.
Back down to earth you’ll witness volumes upon volumes of trolls everywhere, calling anyone who disagrees vile names. Racist is the most common, yet what is ‘racism’, a thing manufactured and manipulated by this very clan. Humankind are naturally racist, and no amount of cajoling or manipulation will ever change that. But then, a lot of it anti sematic, but that’s ok, perfectly acceptable. Call a Christian a nut case, even accuse them openly of paedophilia if you like, cameras rolling everywhere and nothing will happen to you, nobody cares. But mention the perp being Muslim and the wrath descends. Ban anyone who questions this obscenity from entering the country. Dutch politicians who have a different opinion and Canadian Lauren Southern who openly disses the numerous trolls who descend on to her every vlog. It is hilarious in some respects but deadly worrying in others. Just the very mention of anything Islamic or racially profiling by observing that someone happens to be black and the wrath of hell descends up on you wherever you are or whatever you are doing, yet the trolls rave on with racist bile directed at the indigenous as if achieving some sort of sexual climax by posting unintelligent garbage and being noticed, knowing the hierarchy is with them and being free from prosecution. Of course, anyone who brings the subject up is a conspiracist or a nutter.
It is like a fad and fashion gotten out of control. and social workers and the police who find all this bloated, hideous Political Correctness a minefield to which they are terrified to enter. What sort of country is it? Health and safety, you must not touch a desperately injured being in case of some contamination but wait until a quango of qualified bodies appears in green overalls with yellow strips. It is not their fault, they do a brilliant job often no thanks job, but you might have been able to save that life if you had tried. You WILL be imprisoned or sued huge wads for challenging a burglar or a mugger who ends up injured or insulted while robbing you, for that burglar has more rights than the victim in Fabian doctrine – until the complete takeover of course. You cannot question someone’s faith, you cannot now mention a criminal’s name if he or she is of the Islamic faith. We must reduce the complexity of exams to equalize all opportunity (very dangerous but fact); we cannot have a perceived ‘Right Wing’ radio or TV channel. You can do very little that the clan don’t want you to do under British law, but with a constitution you can.
Before the mid 70s, there was no such thing as ‘journalism’ as a trade, it was set up and manipulated, so now almost all journalists are naturally left wing without knowing it. The London School of Economics is so agenda soaked it oozes out the woodwork. It is the same with Health and Safety, the same with the burgeoning security industry, oh don’t they just love terrorism as it gives them this ego drenched authority and they exploit it everywhere. All so counterproductive when nobody ever looks at the root cause of troubles and the obscene hassles we all go through when travelling. All this emanated from the Middle East, but warped influence obscures it. For sure, this cult will eventually fall fowl of their own stupid bigotry.
Stories do get out, but only abstractly in the form of art. The first series of the BBC’s ‘Scott and Baily’ featured a Muslim gang of groomers, without ever mentioning their faith and riveting it was too. It was of course based on a real case. Very well done.
It is all so topsy-turvy; a British conservative party which is about as conservative as Hugo Chávez and his followers. showing very obvious favour to a certain persuasion and being incredibly lenient at times for horrific morality crimes, plus the complete media blackout of criminal cases regarding paedophilia gangs grooming and raping children and banning anyone entering the country who might not follow their doctrine, yet they cry crocodile tears about the Middle East. Boris Jonson meets Erdogan and not a mention of the Reich evolving.
Remember the Belgian fiasco which went deep into the Judiciary and the clan removed any voice to the contrary which might have exposed the depth of this depravity across borders. No, of course you don’t because it has all been so subtly suppressed. Sadly, not many Brits seem that interested… Why? Because they didn’t read about it in the press or the grossly, morally corrupt BBC didn’t report it as didn’t any other media. In this latest blackout, even Russia Today felt threatened and abstained, but normally they will report even a gathering of just 3 people holding some anti-establishment banner somewhere. It is complete silence and it is deafening. Google is dead, search ‘Paedophilia gang Leeds Crown Court’ and see what comes up. Nothing! Search: Tommy Robinson arrested for reporting on the outcome of the court case and you will find very little and becoming less as the days go on with platforms removing reports. That and no doubt individuals will be shut down imminently.
For almost 40 years now the ruling Fabian Marxist clan with all its inbuilt deviance has taken root and dominate just about everything we wake up to see, feel, touch and eat every morning. It is like a stifled religion. then we, already dumbed and silenced live in subliminal fear of being put in jail quicker (within hours) than those on trial for any other pure criminal acts and murder even. It surely reminds you of certain dictatorial passages in history and some alive and well today. Yet, this very oblivious clan who number now in millions and through generations deem anyone who speaks out for truth and freedom to be a NAZI. Yes it is bizarre. It is more than bizarre actually – full stop! That in 2018 people all over the world are still talking ‘FREEDOM’ with freedom marches as if so many of us are physically locked up. Well, we are to a great extent but not so much physically in most places, but our minds have been padlocked.
The local Agencies in the area are probably the only ones who criticize me and have an unhealthy dislike of me, because they see themselves in the criticism I highlight and can’t take the hit, so in retaliation dish out plenty on me. Fortunately, the general public who happen across my vitriol invariably agree with me.
There is no such thing as ‘constructive criticism’ in media in this part of the world. The closest you will get to it is perhaps religious concerns whereby a billboard shows a half naked lady (man ok) whereby some will obviously make the point that this ‘will’, (not ‘could’) offend people. Rightly so and any Agency trying to sell their product with sex in this part of the world will surely run the gauntlet of the reverse of their intension happening. A total boycott maybe. But having said that, a little bit of sex goes well, if there is some very subtle ambiguity attached. I don’t really mean like the new Etihad TV campaign - ‘She likes it full on’ – whereby they give the run down of how their passengers ‘Like it’ in the ‘mile high club’. Sounds very Hogan to me. That is effective, but rather blatant and over the top of heads here anyway, as it doesn’t translate well into Arabic.
Here, artistic criticism comes in the form of ‘NO, DO IT LIKE THIS’, emanating from minds and mouths of