The March of the Snowflakes

13th July 2018

A comment zooming by among the thousands of pro Trump remarks flashed upon the screen as the Daily Express covers the utter waste of life and time in Parliament Square today. However, to follow, ney believe the main-stream media, the entire country, down to the last man, women, cat and dog is in lynch mob mode.

Proud to be a ‘Remainer Snowflake’???????

Democracy has certainly become ‘all Greek’ to most it seems as it loses its way ever more deeper each passing month.

Lots of questions need answering, the least being; ‘How come so many people are not in work this Friday’?
This is far too orchestrated to be real, the same sad anti Brexiteer losers and no doubt unemployed or unemployable with nothing better to do than clutch at straws when not so sub-consciously they know the tide is really turning and their near 40 years reign of decadence and wanton depravity on such a large scale is beginning to crack and badly. Again, 90% still oblivious to the fact that 3 generations have been utterly nobbled.

You will not hear the media taking sound bites from Pro Tumpeteers, but they somehow manage to find the ‘WE BRIGADE’ as if blanket consensus across the nation, which of course is utter bollocks – and Trump is right. Britain anxiously awaits its own Trump, but 98% are scared witless to speak out still. In fact, most who actually like Trump will invariably start their sentence with; ‘I don’t really like the man, but……..” It is all forced psychology of indoctrination by law. Intimidated to the extreme, we are afraid to be seen as individual of thought. Individuality is perceived these days as all ego and self harmed, crude lunatics who jangle as they spout clichèd rhetoric and given a job on the BBC or Channel 4.
The Lowest Common Denominator, from zero creativity, endless rap, to political parrots.

Not that my own pronoun ‘I’ has even a quark of value in size when it comes to relevance or influence, but for lack of a better pronoun; ‘I’ never was enamoured by Donald J. Trump as such. Just a savvy businessman who could fail and rise again, so he must have some nous. Like many, or indeed most now, he astounded me with his succinct perceptions, which just made me think he was so ordinary, a real person and the complete antipathy to the putrid politicians we are manipulated to endure.
I remember 30 odd years ago, dealing with a rather sour Bahraini businessman of huge riches, when I sought sponsors for a section in my radio programme. It was a lean period and a bit of desperation setting in, he offered way below the reality rate to the extent it was beyond an insult and he knew that, but didn’t care. He fully expected me to accept the deal because of who he ‘thought’ he was, saying; ‘Take it or leave it’. Then I remembered Donald Trump saying something poignant while being interviewed about his plans for some venture in the UK. He said; ‘Never be afraid to say NO when negotiating a deal’. Never forgot it and have used that philosophy ever since.
Observing Trump now, watching how he reacts to the very obvious perverse media and the indoctrinated flock is just heaven. The more they attack, the more he so cleverly rides them to the extent that now, this insignificant ‘I’ at least believes the man is naturally gifted with great intelligence or simply well ahead of us all by animal like instinct.

‘Crowd Funded’ – how apt! 25,000 pounds raised to build a very childish (not only literally) plastic balloon? Good game, whatever next! Well so far, double that has been raised to manufacture a Sadiq Khan emblem, but you wont hear the media tell you about that. Besides, a rather hideous and indeed baby level retort, surely the money going towards disaster, medicine or a thousand other good causes would be far more constructive.
Imagine a protest like that: ” I am donating 50 pounds to cancer in protest at Trump’s visit to the UK’. Might start a new trend…

MPs bitterly complaining to any camera with such duplicity that The Donald has insulted us. Lamentable indeed. Oh really! That is beyond neh neh  neh neh neh pathetic. Well, it is not difficult to insult any single politician these days is it, but they forget that for more than 2 years now, the man has endured endless vile bile from these clothed savages for simply ‘Saying it as it is’.

They just cannot take it. Their toys are being taken away from them slowly but surely. Same for those reading this who just cannot get over it, so resort to the same old collective ‘WE’ bile in every sentence as in speaking for everyone, while deploring those who were actually voted in to speak for us.
‘Not my President’…. my arse.,. He is!


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