OLD MAN’S RANT – No. 26 – March 2017

Politics lends itself to such ridicule unless of course you live in the Gulf then it’s best not to put anything in writing. Not that you will ever get an answer even if you did, but you might get a knock on the door. Politicians who get paid extremely well for doing so little leave themselves wide open to ridicule, so why not pillory them? Unlike The Donald, Obama was schooled in the American version of Oxford, so the influence is much the same and it totally controls all political thinking from LA to London and no doubt the Bosphorus. It is the ‘PPE graduate’ from Oxford University and the reality is that those holding it, hold high positions everywhere. Not a single grad. having this esteem power has any idea whatsoever as to what it actually means. Nigel Farage of the UK Independent party (UKIP) has the closest understanding when he refers to it as “PPE BOLLOCKS”.

Oddly, Obama’s version allowed a sense of humour which must have gone against the grain somewhat. There is not much else to laugh about in the real world these days as most of it is against the PC imposed law. If sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, then stop peeing your pants at some of the occasional chuckle lines in this column or you will be deemed a racist. No more mimicking accents, no more cultural observations – if you didn’t watch Harry Potter, you are Nazi, if you thought Lord of the Rings was a gay bar- you are ‘offensive’. If we dare to look at a fat person and cringe or pretend we are not colour blind, then you get arrested. You cannot make fun of the uneducated (when it is wholly self-inflicted) and you can’t tell a joke like; A hillbilly is going through the formalities opening a savings account at the bank and the teller mentions ‘interest’.  The hillbilly says; ‘Hush now, y’all gonna git me in trouble agin’. Or; ‘There wuz only room fer one on the tractor, so I lit me Ma – and sister drive’.

Now the Trump onslaught………… just joking….. we’ll get back to that later. Let’s probe the hypocrisy we are all forced to live by should the burgeoning anti-PC revolution fail.

What is an oxy-moron? Life?  Nope!  That is an ‘oxymoron’.  An oxy-moron relates to bozos who dictate life to us the moment they leave Oxford. The oxymoron of ‘life’ means ‘death’ – for sure (at some stage). Some may have noticed that we stay dead a very long time and nobody has ever come back to dispute such wisdom; not that we know of. Um… let’s not get into religion here with a barrage from the devout protesting that ‘on the third day’ and so on. Pap, repetitious monkey see, monkey do media and amateur advertising is so often riddled with oxymoron.  ‘Your call is important to us’ iteration and irritation. ‘Our staff care about you’. The falseness of it contradicts the sentence. ‘No animals were harmed during the testing of our products’ by the makers of the best microwave ovens in the world.

For a start, the very actions of those masked or curtain rail Fascists rioting in the name of protest, while calling non-conformists morons for not towing the indoctrinated Fabian line is the current most worrying oxy-moron.  Yes, we know that so many campus professors fit this bill with their condescending approach to us all if we don’t follow their deluded intellectual thesis.

The British Government and indeed the BBC are both an an oxy-moron and an oxymoron.  THE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION. What is British now? It is diluted identity, levelling to the lowest common denominator. One could be forgiven for assuming it is the Voice of Africa or India or something, spewing it’s rather unsavoury, indeed Fascist Left-Wing doctrine to the world, flavoured by gayness. For some absurd reason, it is common knowledge and ostensibly fully accepted by society that the BBC houses an inordinate number of homosexuals, disabled, ineloquent and sadly a noticeable palate of considerably ugly presenters, who are given priority over perfectly gracious, good-looking, well-heeled, hetro indigenous. It is certainly the antipathy of Fox News, if one excludes Sheppard Smith that is! (Oh, you are confused? Look it up!  If it is on the Internet it must be true).

Factually, many BBC (and several others) presenters are incapable of picking up English mother-tongue nuance, so unaware read out and regurgitate as they blindly follow the closet format. Each mimics what they think is the kosher delivery, convinced the world is desperately hanging on to their every BBC word as they wave their hands about like a deranged sign language impersonator, or a distressed sailor frantically using ‘semaphore’ to warn you a large albatross is about to crap on your head. A devilish news editor could have a field day with ambiguous scripts, full of double entendre and it would all get read out, just as it does in Bahrain with presenters none the wiser.  It happens – take note! In BBC land, a story about a ‘cock fight’ in Thailand has nothing to do with chickens. We now have to say ‘cheers’ when making a toast as the old fashioned ‘bottoms up’ might lead to an orgy in their corridors.

Imagine an interview on the ‘Travel Programme’ which is so often hosted by a dreadlock clad rather pleasing fellow who happens to be black and confined to a wheelchair; quite possibly practicing backgammon, sporting the diction of a welder; whereby if the BBC can wiggle in something about homosexuality, even with the remotest association –  they will. ‘Yeah, my parents are going to India for meditation and sexual enlightenment’.  Curious as to where in India the reporter asks; ‘Mumbai’?  ‘Yes’ says the guest; ‘Both my mum and dad are’.  (It will take you a few moments to absorb that; don’t worry, you are not alone).

The British nation has itself been oblivious to it for decades and even pay for it like a porn channel.  Like a religion, it is all around, but one suspects people are eventually waking up to it now. Trump…  (Ok, that’s only twice we mention him this month) as with his upcoming European counterparts (as fanaticized by the corrupt media) one could hopefully see ‘normality’ re-emerge.  It will be wonderful to rub it in their faces – said the actress to the bishop.


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